The Character Refinery

Welcome: The Time is Now!

Finished In The Fire! Workshops enable your effectiveness and influence in all areas of life and are facilitated by God’s Charactersmith, Dr. F. Josephus Johnson, II.

Participants gain the most benefit by completing the workshops in progressive order beginning with Workshop I, Workshop II, and then, Workshop III.  Each workshop builds upon the previous one and steps you through a new level of refining and growth.

Workshops Overview

Finished in The Fire Workshop I: 

This is the Introductory Experience which covers the foundational concepts of the Finished In The Fire! process. Workshop I focuses on scriptural metaphors of the forging process and the importance of having a charactersmith in your life to walk you through the refinery. Learn the difference between your theology of suffering and personal philosophy of suffering.

Finished in The Fire Workshop II: 

Workshop II expands the teaching of Workshop I, but focuses on the finishing process and the role of testing, obedience, rejection, and suffering. You’ll move deeper into the Word of God and self-examination to realistically determine where you are in the character refinement process:  Are you in Egypt, the Wilderness, or in the Promised Land? Find out at Finished In The Fire! II.

Finished in The Fire Workshop III: 

The focus of this teaching is transformation through suffering and builds upon the dynamics of yielding and surrender. Workshop III reviews the prominence of scriptures on suffering, the results of the refinery, and God’s ultimate purposes of suffering. You’ll leave receiving the encouragement needed to persevere and be transformed to a new level. 

"I finally feel like all the storms I went through have value and I've found renewed purpose."

Dorothy Joseph

"Suffering is the journey toward refined purpose. I'm ready for what comes next. The workshops gave me the tools to not only help those around me but enrich my own walk."

Jamarco Johnson

"Worth every moment. Engaging, rewarding, fun. An experience I won't forget and lessons that will stay with. Our entire group had a blast."

Phillis Jameson

The Character REfinery: Workshop Videos

Participants gain the most benefit by completing the workshops in order beginning with Workshop I, Workshop II, and then, Workshop III.  Each workshop builds upon the previous one and steps you through a new level of refining.  Feel free to visit the Store FAQ” Page located “Bishop Store” Menu at the top of the Page for more information about what’s received after purchase.

Select Your Video Workshop (below) and Get Started Today! Feel free to visit the Store FAQ page located

Request a Live Online Workshop


When available, you will want to attend the dynamic online “live” workshops with Dr. Joey Johnson and interact with Finished In the Fire! participants. Complete the “Request Form” and we will let you know the next time that we are offering a Live Online Workshop. You may also request a Workshop for your work group or ministry. Due to time and schedule constraints, live online workshops may not be available at this time; however, Videos of the workshops that can be followed along with workshop notes can be purchased in Bishop’s Store. Thank you for your interest. Be Blessed!

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FITF – Workshop Videos

Explore Our Resources & Guides

The word resource refers to assets, materials, and life supporting tools. Our prayer is that you will find the information and available teaching on this website to be a wealth of knowledge empowering you to deepen your relationship with God and energize your ministry of the gospel. We hope that you will take time to browse the collection and be edified in your Spirit as you prepare for greater works. Click Here or  click “Resources” above.

Featured Web Resources and Learning Tools

Video Resource Library

Bishop’s Messages & Media Guide

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Beth-El Fellowship of Visionary Churches

Prayer Requests

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International Pastors

Forthcoming December 2021 and Early 2022

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Church Development, Planning, & Management

Healing, Social Justice, and Radical Love

Jesus Christ’s life and sacrifice was an example of demonstrating love to all people regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, education, or social class; particularly, the marginalized, vulnerable, and outcast. Real social justice begins with seeing the needs of others with eyes of compassion and humility, and then helping to uplift those who are under the weight of social misery. Click Here to go to the page.

Jesus Christ of the Poor, Oppressed, and Suffering

The Revolutionary & Radical Jesus

Jesus of the Poor, Oppressed, Suffering, and Marginalized

The Distortion of Christ & the Power of His Sacrifice

Liberation & Social Justice Theologies

Community Crises, Trauma, and Global Catastrophes

Traumas as Daily Catastrophe for People of Color & the Poor

On COVID-19 & Health Crises

The Church as a Refuge for the Oppressed

The Church’s Betrayal of the Message of Jesus

The Profit Church vs The People’s Church

The Physical vs The Spiritual Church

The Role of the Church in Fighting Radical Evils