The God Who Grieves


The God Who Grieves is a sermon series that I preached in the latter part of 2012. Since I use a manuscript when preaching, I have chosen to publish these manuscripts with a minimum of editing. In this sermon series, I look at how God presents Himself, in the Bible, as a grieving God. While this is oxymoronic to most Christians, because they have never considered God’s emotions as really being emotions, these sermons will help you see God through a different lens. Although His ways and feelings may be as high above ours as the heavens are above the earth, they are indeed still ways and feelings. You will see that it is God’s grief that allows Him to move from pain and weeping to forgiveness and compassion. Bishop F. Josephus (Joey) Johnson, II, is the organizer and senior pastor of The House of the Lord Church in Akron, Ohio. He is the organizer and chief bishop of the Beth-El Fellowship of Visionary Churches, also headquartered in Akron, Ohio. He is organizer and president of the Logos Bible Institute, the Pastoral Mentoring Institute, The Ashland/House of the Lord Certificate of Ministry Program and also one of the organizers of Emmanuel Christian Academy (a Christian School from Pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade. He is the author of God Is Greater Than Family Mess!
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The God Who Grieves is a sermon series that I preached in the latter part of 2012. Since I use a manuscript when preaching, I have chosen to publish these manuscripts with a minimum of editing. In this sermon series, I look at how God presents Himself, in the Bible, as a grieving God. While this is oxymoronic to most Christians, because they have never considered God’s emotions as really being emotions, these sermons will help you see God through a different lens. Although His ways and feelings may be as high above ours as the heavens are above the earth, they are indeed still ways and feelings. You will see that it is God’s grief that allows Him to move from pain and weeping to forgiveness and compassion. Bishop F. Josephus (Joey) Johnson, II, is the organizer and senior pastor of The House of the Lord Church in Akron, Ohio. He is the organizer and chief bishop of the Beth-El Fellowship of Visionary Churches, also headquartered in Akron, Ohio. He is organizer and president of the Logos Bible Institute, the Pastoral Mentoring Institute, The Ashland/House of the Lord Certificate of Ministry Program and also one of the organizers of Emmanuel Christian Academy (a Christian School from Pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade. He is the author of God Is Greater Than Family Mess!

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